16MnCr5 Case Hardening Steel

1.16MnCr5 This grade is a low alloy chromium, manganese case hardening steel.

Carburised 16MnCr5 gives a hard case with a strong core whilst retaining a degree of toughness.

It is suited for applications which require a combination of toughness and wear resistance and is commonly supplied in round bar.

2.16MnCr5 Chemical composition

3.16MnCr5 Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of annealed DIN 16MnCr5|1.7131 gearing steel (typical for steel) are outlined in the table below:

4.16MnCr5 Applications

DIN 16MnCr5|1.7131 steel is widely used for a variety of applications in the used to the gearings in rotating machinery.

Typical applications such as valve bodies, pumps and fittings, the high load of wheel, bolts, double-headed bolts, gears, internal combustion engine. Electric locomotives, machine tools, tractors, steel rolling equipment, boring machine, railway vehicle, and mining machinery transmission shaft on the steel ball, roller and shaft sleeve, etc.


16MnCr5 Case Hardening Steel