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Applications of 4340 Steel: An overview of the various industries and applications where

4340 steel is a versatile and highly durable alloy known for its excellent strength, toughness, and wear resistance. It finds extensive use in various industries and applications where reliable and robust materials are required.

Applications of 4340 Steel:Automotive Industry

The automotive industry relies on 4340 steel for critical components that demand high strength and durability.

  • Crankshafts and Axles

4340 steel is commonly used in the manufacturing of crankshafts and axles due to its exceptional strength and fatigue resistance. Its ability to withstand high loads and torsional stresses makes it an ideal choice for these crucial engine and drivetrain components.

  • Gears and Gearboxes

Gears and gearboxes in automobiles require materials that can handle heavy loads and provide wear resistance. 4340 steel exhibits excellent hardness and toughness, making it suitable for gears that operate under extreme conditions. Its ability to withstand shock loads and resist wear ensures optimal performance and longevity.

Applications of 4340 Steel:Aerospace Industry

The aerospace industry relies on 4340 steel for various applications that demand high strength-to-weight ratios and resistance to fatigue and impact.

  • Landing Gear Components

4340 steel is widely used in the production of landing gear components such as landing gear struts, axles, and connecting rods. These parts need to withstand high loads, stresses, and impact forces during takeoff, landing, and ground operations. The exceptional strength and toughness of 4340 steel make it a preferred choice for these critical aerospace components.

  • Structural Parts

In aerospace structures, 4340 steel finds application in structural components that require high strength, fatigue resistance, and good weldability. It is utilized in the fabrication of wing spars, fuselage frames, and other load-bearing structures. The superior mechanical properties of 4340 steel contribute to the overall structural integrity and safety of aircraft.

Applications of 4340 Steel:Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry utilizes 4340 steel in equipment and tools that operate in demanding environments, including drilling and downhole applications.

  • Drilling Equipment

4340 steel is used in the production of drilling equipment, such as drill collars, drill bits, and drilling jars. These components encounter high axial loads, torsional stresses, and abrasive conditions. The strength, toughness, and wear resistance of 4340 steel make it suitable for withstanding the harsh drilling environments encountered in oil and gas exploration.

  • Downhole Tools

In downhole applications, where tools are exposed to high pressures, temperatures, and corrosive environments, 4340 steel provides reliable performance. Downhole tools made from 4340 steel, such as subs, hangers, and stabilizers, exhibit the necessary strength and durability to withstand the demanding conditions encountered during oil and gas extraction.

Applications of 4340 Steel:Defense Industry

The defense industry extensively uses 4340 steel for various military applications that require exceptional strength, impact resistance, and durability.

  • Military Vehicle Components

4340 steel is utilized in the production of military vehicle components such as armor plates, suspension parts, and drive shafts. These components need to withstand extreme conditions, including ballistic impacts and heavy loads. The superior mechanical properties of 4340 steel contribute to the protection and performance of military vehicles.

  • Gun Barrels and Bolts

Gun barrels and bolts require materials that can withstand high pressures, temperatures, and cyclic loading. 4340 steel’s excellent combination of hardness, strength, and toughness makes it a suitable choice for these critical firearm components. Its ability to resist fatigue and withstand rapid heating and cooling cycles ensures reliable performance.

The unique properties of 4340 steel contribute to the reliability, performance, and safety of products across different applications.

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Machining and Welding of 4340 Steel: Guidelines and considerations for machining and welding 4340 steel

4340 steel is a versatile and widely used alloy known for its exceptional strength, toughness, and wear resistance. Machining and welding 4340 steel require careful considerations and adherence to specific guidelines to ensure successful results.

Understanding 4340 Steel

4340 steel is a low-alloy steel that contains elements such as nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. It exhibits high strength, toughness, and hardenability, making it suitable for applications that require resistance to impact, fatigue, and wear. Machining and welding 4340 steel require proper techniques and precautions to maintain its desired mechanical properties.

Machining 4340 Steel

Machining 4340 steel involves shaping the material through various cutting processes. Here are some essential considerations for machining this alloy:

  • Preparing the Workpiece

Before machining, ensure that the 4340 steel workpiece is properly heat treated to achieve the desired hardness. It is crucial to follow the recommended heat treatment process specified for the specific application. Additionally, the workpiece should be free from contaminants and adequately secured during machining operations.

  • Selecting the Right Tools

When machining 4340 steel, it is vital to choose appropriate cutting tools that can withstand the high cutting forces and temperatures generated during the process. Carbide or high-speed steel tools with suitable coatings are commonly used for machining this alloy. Selecting the correct tool geometry and optimizing the cutting parameters contribute to efficient and accurate machining.

  • Machining Techniques

Machining techniques for 4340 steel include turning, milling, drilling, and grinding. Employing sharp tools with proper clearance angles and using adequate cutting fluid or lubrication helps control heat buildup and extend tool life. Take regular measurements and make adjustments as necessary to maintain dimensional accuracy during the machining process.

Welding 4340 Steel

Welding 4340 steel requires careful planning and execution to ensure sound welds with minimal distortion. Consider the following factors for successful welding:

  • Pre-Welding Considerations

Before welding, clean the surfaces to be joined thoroughly to remove any contaminants, oils, or rust. Preheating the base metal is often necessary to minimize the risk of cracking and to ensure proper fusion. Understanding the heat input and controlling the interpass temperature during multi-pass welding are essential.

  • Welding Techniques

Welding techniques commonly used for 4340 steel include shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). Proper joint design, filler material selection, and controlling the heat input are critical to achieving high-quality welds. Follow the recommended welding parameters and techniques for the specific application.

  • Post-Weld Heat Treatment

To relieve residual stresses and restore the mechanical properties of the welded joint, post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) is often necessary. The PWHT process typically involves heating the welded part to a specific temperature and holding it for a designated time before slowly cooling it. Consult the appropriate specifications or a metallurgical expert for specific PWHT requirements.

Guidelines for Machining and Welding 4340 Steel

To ensure successful machining and welding of 4340 steel, consider the following guidelines:

  • Safety Measures

Follow appropriate safety protocols, such as wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), using ventilation systems, and adhering to machine-specific safety guidelines. Handle 4340 steel with care to prevent injuries and work in a properly illuminated and well-ventilated environment.

  • Avoiding Distortion and Cracking

Implement proper fixturing techniques and use suitable welding and machining sequences to minimize distortion. Apply stress-relieving techniques when necessary. Control heat input during welding and machining processes to prevent cracking and maintain the desired mechanical properties.

  • Managing Hardness

Understand the hardness requirements for the specific application and select the appropriate heat treatment process to achieve the desired hardness. Balance the hardness requirements with machinability to ensure ease of machining without compromising the overall performance of the component.

  • Finishing and Inspection

After machining or welding, perform necessary finishing operations such as grinding, deburring, and surface treatment to meet the desired specifications. Inspect the finished components for dimensional accuracy, surface integrity, and adherence to the required tolerances.

Proper machining and welding processes contribute to the longevity, performance, and integrity of components made from 4340 steel.

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Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel: Information on the heat treatment processes used for 4340 steel

Heat treatment is a critical process that can significantly enhance the mechanical properties of steel. When it comes to 4340 steel, heat treatment plays a vital role in optimizing its strength, durability, and overall performance. By subjecting 4340 steel to specific heat treatment processes, its microstructure can be modified, resulting in improved hardness, toughness, and resistance to wear and fatigue.

Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel-Annealing: Improving Machinability

Annealing is a heat treatment process that involves heating the steel to a specific temperature and then allowing it to cool slowly. This process is primarily used to improve machinability, reduce internal stresses, and refine the microstructure of the steel. In the case of 4340 steel, annealing is typically performed by heating the material to a temperature of around 800-850 degrees Celsius (1472-1562 degrees Fahrenheit) and then slowly cooling it in a furnace. Annealed 4340 steel exhibits improved ductility and machinability, making it easier to shape and fabricate.

Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel-Normalizing: Enhancing Uniformity

Normalizing is a heat treatment process that involves heating the steel to a temperature above the transformation range and then cooling it in still air. This process aims to achieve a more uniform microstructure throughout the material, leading to improved strength and toughness. In the case of 4340 steel, normalizing is typically performed by heating it to a temperature of around 870-925 degrees Celsius (1598-1697 degrees Fahrenheit) and allowing it to cool naturally. Normalized 4340 steel exhibits enhanced mechanical properties and a more uniform grain structure, making it suitable for applications that require higher strength and toughness.

Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel-Quenching and Tempering: Strengthening the Steel

Quenching and tempering is a widely used heat treatment process for enhancing the strength and hardness of 4340 steel. It involves two main steps: quenching and tempering. Quenching is the rapid cooling of the steel from a high temperature, typically in a quenching medium such as oil or water. This rapid cooling causes the formation of a hardened structure in the steel. However, the steel becomes very brittle in this state. To restore toughness and reduce brittleness, the steel is then tempered by reheating it to a specific temperature and holding it there for a predetermined time. This tempering process allows for the transformation of the structure, improving the steel’s toughness while maintaining desirable hardness levels. Quenching and tempering are commonly used for applications that require high strength and resistance to wear and impact, such as gears, shafts, and structural components.

Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel-Austempering: Balancing Strength and Ductility

Austempering is a specialized heat treatment process that provides a unique combination of high strength and ductility to 4340 steel. It involves heating the steel to a specific temperature and then quenching it in a bath of molten salt or other suitable medium. The steel is held at the austempering temperature for a specific duration, followed by air cooling. This process results in the formation of a microstructure called bainite, which offers excellent strength and toughness properties. Austempered 4340 steel exhibits enhanced resistance to fatigue, improved impact strength, and good machinability.

Whether it’s enhancing machinability, improving uniformity, strengthening the steel, or balancing strength and ductility, heat treatment is an essential step in maximizing the performance of 4340 steel.

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Physical Properties of 4340 Steel: Discussion on the physical properties of 4340 steel, such as density, melting point, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity

4340 steel is a versatile alloy widely used in various industries due to its excellent mechanical properties. Apart from its mechanical characteristics, understanding the physical properties of 4340 steel is essential.

Understanding the Significance of Physical Properties

Physical properties provide valuable information about how a material behaves under specific conditions. They help engineers and designers make informed decisions regarding material selection and application suitability. By exploring the physical properties of 4340 steel, we can gain insights into its behavior in different environments and its potential applications.

Density of 4340 Steel

Density refers to the mass per unit volume of a material and is an important property to consider when evaluating its weight and size requirements. The density of 4340 steel is approximately 7.85 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³). This moderate density allows for a balance between strength and weight, making it suitable for various structural and load-bearing applications.

Melting Point of 4340 Steel

The melting point of a material indicates the temperature at which it transitions from a solid to a liquid state. In the case of 4340 steel, its melting point is around 1427-1517 degrees Celsius (2600-2750 degrees Fahrenheit). This relatively high melting point ensures that 4340 steel can withstand elevated temperatures during processing and application, making it suitable for applications that involve heat exposure.

Thermal Conductivity of 4340 Steel

Thermal conductivity refers to a material’s ability to conduct heat. For 4340 steel, the thermal conductivity is relatively low compared to other metals, with values ranging from 29 to 50 watts per meter-kelvin (W/m·K). This property makes 4340 steel a good choice for applications that require controlled heat transfer, such as heat-resistant components in engines or machinery.

Electrical Conductivity of 4340 Steel

The electrical conductivity of a material determines its ability to conduct electricity. In the case of 4340 steel, it has a relatively low electrical conductivity. This property makes it suitable for applications where electrical insulation is required.

The moderate thermal conductivity allows for controlled heat transfer, and the low electrical conductivity makes it suitable for applications requiring electrical insulation. (physical properties of 4340 steel)

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Introduction to 4340 Steel: An overview of 4340 steel, including its composition, properties, and common applications

Introduction to 4340 Steel: In the world of engineering and manufacturing, selecting the right material for a specific application is crucial. 4340 steel is a versatile alloy that has gained significant popularity due to its exceptional properties and wide range of applications.

Composition of 4340 Steel

4340 steel belongs to the category of nickel-chromium-molybdenum (Ni-Cr-Mo) steels, which are known for their high strength and toughness. The composition of 4340 steel typically includes the following elements:

  • Iron (Fe): The primary element, forming the base of the steel.
  • Carbon (C): Provides strength and hardness to the alloy.
  • Nickel (Ni): Enhances toughness and impact resistance.
  • Chromium (Cr): Improves hardenability and corrosion resistance.
  • Molybdenum (Mo): Contributes to high temperature strength and creep resistance.

The specific percentages of these elements may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing process and desired properties.

Physical Properties

4340 steel exhibits several notable physical properties that make it suitable for various applications. Some of the key physical properties of 4340 steel are:

  • Density: The density of 4340 steel is approximately 7.85 g/cm³, which is relatively high compared to some other alloys.
  • Melting Point: The melting point of 4340 steel is around 1427°C (2600°F), enabling it to withstand high-temperature environments.
  • Thermal Conductivity: The thermal conductivity of 4340 steel is moderate, allowing for efficient heat transfer when required.

Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of 4340 steel make it a preferred choice for applications where high strength and toughness are crucial. Here are some key mechanical properties of 4340 steel:

  • Tensile Strength: 4340 steel typically has a tensile strength ranging from 930 to 1080 MPa (135,000 to 157,000 psi), making it highly resistant to deformation under tension.
  • Yield Strength: The yield strength of 4340 steel is approximately 785 MPa (114,000 psi), indicating its ability to withstand significant loads without permanent deformation.
  • Hardness: 4340 steel can achieve a hardness of around 28 to 32 HRC (Rockwell C scale) after appropriate heat treatment.

Heat Treatment of 4340 Steel

4340 steel can be heat treated to enhance its mechanical properties further. The most common heat treatment processes applied to 4340 steel include:

  • Quenching and Tempering: This process involves heating the steel to a specific temperature, followed by rapid cooling (quenching) and subsequent tempering to achieve the desired hardness and toughness.
  • Annealing: Annealing is performed to relieve internal stresses and improve machinability. It involves heating the steel to a specific temperature and then slowly cooling it.

The choice of heat treatment process depends on the desired properties and application requirements.

Common Applications

4340 steel finds applications in various industries and sectors due to its excellent combination of strength, toughness, and wear resistance. Some common applications of 4340 steel include:

  • Aerospace Components: 4340 steel is used in the manufacturing of critical aerospace components, such as landing gear, shafts, and gears, where high strength and reliability are essential.
  • Automotive Industry: The automotive industry utilizes 4340 steel in components like crankshafts, connecting rods, and gears, thanks to its high fatigue strength and impact resistance.
  • Oil and Gas Sector: 4340 steel is employed in the oil and gas industry for components like drill collars, shafts, and valves due to its ability to withstand harsh operating conditions.
  • Tooling and Machinery: The exceptional strength and toughness of 4340 steel make it an ideal choice for tooling applications, including punches, dies, and molds.

Advantages of Using 4340 Steel

The use of 4340 steel offers several advantages, making it a popular choice in various industries:

  • High Strength: 4340 steel exhibits remarkable strength, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and high-stress environments.
  • Toughness: The toughness of 4340 steel enables it to resist fracture under impact or shock loading, making it suitable for demanding applications.
  • Versatility: 4340 steel can be heat treated to achieve a wide range of mechanical properties, making it adaptable to different application requirements.
  • Machinability: With proper heat treatment and machining techniques, 4340 steel can be easily machined into complex shapes and precise components.

By understanding the composition, properties, and applications of 4340 steel, engineers and manufacturers can make informed decisions when selecting materials for their projects. (Introduction to 4340 Steel)

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Heat treatment and process of 4340 steel round bar&plate

Heat treatment and process of 4340 steel round bar&plate

AISI 4340 alloy steel can be cold worked in the annealed condition using all conventional methods. It is highly malleable.

Annealing & Temper

Full annealing may be done at 844°C (1550 F), followed by controlled (furnace) cooling to 315°C (600 F) at a rate not to exceed 10°C (50 F) per hour. It can be air-cooled from 315°C to 600F.

AISI 4340 alloy steel shall be in the heat-treated or normalized heat-treated condition before tempering. The tempering temperature depends on the desired strength level. For strength levels in the 260 – 280 ksi range, temper at 232°C (450 F). Temper at 510°C (950 F) for strengths in the range of 125 – 200 ksi. Do not temper 4340 steel if it is in the 220 – 260 ksi strength range as tempering will result in reduced impact resistance at that strength level. Tempering in the range of 250 °C – 450 °C should be avoided where possible due to temper brittleness.

4340 steel heat treatment

AISI 4340 alloy steel is heat treated at 830°C (1525°F) and quenched in oil.


It can be processed using all conventional techniques. Processing can be carried out in the annealed or normalized and tempered condition.


Welding of steels in the quenched and tempered condition (commonly supplied) is not recommended and should be avoided if possible due to the risk of quench cracking as the mechanical properties change in the weld heat-affected zone.

If soldering is necessary, preheat to 200 to 300°C and maintain this temperature while soldering. Stress is relieved immediately after welding at 550 to 650°C, followed by quenching and tempering.

If it is indeed necessary to weld in the quenched and tempered condition, the workpieces should be stress relieved as far as possible at a temperature 15°C below the original tempering temperature, after cooling immediately to hand temperature.

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Something about 4340 alloy steel

Something about 4340 alloy steel

*What is 4340 alloy steel?

4340 Alloy Steel is an iron-based alloy containing nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. The relatively high carbon content provides this alloy with superior strength in applications where severe service conditions exist. 4340 Alloy Steel has high strength, superior toughness, and good ductility.

*Is 4340 a low alloy steel?

AISI 4340 is a low alloy steel containing nominally 0.4% C, 0.8% Cr, 0.25% Mo, and 1.8% Ni. Higher strength levels up to 150 KSI 0.2% PS may be achieved by suitable heat treatment. Often used in preference to AISI 4140 at the higher strength levels because of its better hardenability and improved CVN impact toughness.

*How hard is 4340 annealed?

AISI 4340 is stocked in the heat treated and stress-relieved condition at approximately 150,000 psi (1034 N/mm2) and in the annealed condition at HB 235 max.

*What is 4340 steel used for?

AISI 4340 alloy steel is mainly used in power transmission gears and shafts, aircraft landing gear, and other structural parts.

Something about 4340 alloy steel

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30crnimo8 steel data sheet-30CrNiMo8 steel is used for automotive

30crnimo8 steel data sheet–30CrNiMo8 steel is used for automotive | OTAI

What is 30crnimo8 steel

30crnimo8 steel is one structural steel with medium hardenability designed for heavy-duty components, characterized by high elasticity and strength properties reaching over 1560 N/mm2 at small diameters. When it is softened, the hardness reaches max. 248 HRB.

It is also characterized by its resistance to variable loads and impacts.

However, it is not good for welding and it ultimately requires additional preheating.

Why Choose OTAI

1)All year round, Otai can guarantee 30crnimo8 steel’ stock in different thicknesses and lengths, which can be customized.

2)After placing an order, shipment can be arranged immediately.

3)Otai is a leading China supplier of 30crnimo8 steel, working with Uddeholm, and Thyssenkrupp, with ISO9001 certified.

Customer’s story

We would like to share a real case of our customer with you. Stacy from Indonesia send us an inquiry about the 30crnimo8 steel alloy, which required a lot of specifications and a small quantity. Stacy asked many suppliers who were unwilling to cooperate and finally found us. We are the source manufacturer so that we can meet the needs of customers to customize the specifications of goods. Then Stacy placed the order successfully. After receiving the goods, she said that he would seek our cooperation for a long time. (30crnimo8 steel data sheet)

Steel News

There are conditions for improvement in steel demand in September, but it should not be expected to be too high for the strength of demand. In the short term, more demand will be based on moderate release, and it is unlikely that a concentrated outbreak will be released. In September, the fundamental rebound of the steel market is insufficient, and the steel price will be mainly adjusted by shocks.

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30crnimo8 steel composition-It is usually supplied with Q+T condition

30crnimo8 steel composition–It is usually supplied with Q+T condition| OTAI

What is 30crnimo8 steel

30crnimo8 steel is one structural steel with medium hardenability designed for heavy-duty components, characterized by high elasticity and strength properties reaching over 1560 N/mm2 at small diameters. When it is softened, the hardness reaches max. 248 HRB.

It is also characterized by its resistance to variable loads and impacts.

However, it is not good for welding and it ultimately requires additional preheating.

Why Choose OTAI

1)All year round, Otai can guarantee 30crnimo8 steel stock in different thicknesses and lengths, which can be customized.

2)After placing an order, shipment can be arranged immediately.

3)Otai is a leading China supplier of 30crnimo8 steel, working with Uddeholm, and Thyssenkrupp, with ISO9001 certified.

Customer’s story

We would like to share a real case of our customer with you. Stacy from Indonesia send us an inquiry about the 30crnimo8 steel alloy, which required a lot of specifications and a small quantity. Stacy asked many suppliers who were unwilling to cooperate and finally found us. We are the source manufacturer so we can meet the needs of customers to customize the specifications of goods. Then Stacy placed the order successfully. After receiving the goods, she said that he would seek our cooperation for a long time. (30crnimo8 steel composition)

Steel News

In the first half of 2022, under the circumstance of frequent uncertainties in global economic development, the economic development expectations of the major economies weakened. The World Bank lowered its global economic growth forecast for this year to 2.9% on June 7; the OECD lowered its economic forecast to 3% on June 8; the Institute of International Finance lowered its forecast to 2.3% in early May, and the IMF The (International Monetary Fund) lowered its economic forecast three times in a row in six months, the latest results will be released in July and the expected value will not exceed 3%.

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steel grade 30crnimo8 – It is made for forming wrought product

steel grade 30crnimo8 – It is made for forming wrought product | OTAI

What is 30crnimo8 steel

30crnimo8 steel is one structural steel with medium hardenability designed for heavy-duty components, characterized by high elasticity and strength properties reaching over 1560 N/mm2 at small diameters. When it is softened, the hardness reaches max. 248 HRB.

It is also characterized by its resistance to variable loads and impacts.

However, it is not good for welding and it ultimately requires additional preheating.

Why Choose OTAI

1)All year round, Otai can guarantee 30crnimo8 steel’ stock in different thicknesses and lengths, which can be customized.

2)After placing an order, shipment can be arranged immediately.

3)Otai is a leading China supplier of 30crnimo8 steel, working with Uddeholm, and Thyssenkrupp, with ISO9001 certified.

Customer’s story

We would like to share a real case of our customer with you. Stacy from Indonesia send us an inquiry about the 30crnimo8 steel alloy, which required a lot of specifications and a small quantity. Stacy asked many suppliers who were unwilling to cooperate and finally found us. We are the source manufacturer so that we can meet the needs of customers to customize the specifications of goods. Then Stacy placed the order successfully. After receiving the goods, she said that he would seek our cooperation for a long time. (steel grade 30crnimo8)

Steel News

There are conditions for improvement in steel demand in September, but it should not be expected to be too high for the strength of demand. In the short term, more demand will be based on moderate release, and it is unlikely that a concentrated outbreak will be released. In September, the fundamental rebound of the steel market is insufficient, and the steel price will be mainly adjusted by shocks.

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30crnimo8 astm equivalent-4340, 1.6580 Hardened Alloy Steel

30crnimo8 astm equivalent-4340, 1.6580 Hardened Alloy Steel| OTAI

What is 30crnimo8 steel

30crnimo8 steel is one structural steel with medium hardenability designed for heavy-duty components, characterized by high elasticity and strength properties reaching over 1560 N/mm2 at small diameters. When it is softened, the hardness reaches max. 248 HRB.

It is also characterized by its resistance to variable loads and impacts.

However, it is not good for welding and it ultimately requires additional preheating.

Why Choose OTAI

1)All year round, Otai can guarantee 30crnimo8 steel stock in different thicknesses and lengths, which can be customized.

2)After placing an order, shipment can be arranged immediately.

3)Otai is a leading China supplier of 30crnimo8 steel, working with Uddeholm, and Thyssenkrupp, with ISO9001 certified.

Customer’s story

We would like to share a real case of our customer with you. Stacy from Indonesia send us an inquiry about the 30crnimo8 steel alloy, which required a lot of specifications and a small quantity. Stacy asked many suppliers who were unwilling to cooperate and finally found us. We are the source manufacturer so we can meet the needs of customers to customize the specifications of goods. Then Stacy placed the order successfully. After receiving the goods, she said that he would seek our cooperation for a long time. (30crnimo8 astm equivalent)

Steel News

In the first half of 2022, under the circumstance of frequent uncertainties in global economic development, the economic development expectations of the major economies weakened. The World Bank lowered its global economic growth forecast for this year to 2.9% on June 7; the OECD lowered its economic forecast to 3% on June 8; the Institute of International Finance lowered its forecast to 2.3% in early May, and the IMF The (International Monetary Fund) lowered its economic forecast three times in a row in six months, the latest results will be released in July and the expected value will not exceed 3%.

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30crnimo8 steel application-for automotive and mechanical engineering

30crnimo8 steel application-for automotive and mechanical engineering | OTAI

What is 30crnimo8 steel

30crnimo8 steel is one structural steel with medium hardenability designed for heavy-duty components, characterized by high elasticity and strength properties reaching over 1560 N/mm2 at small diameters. When it is softened, the hardness reaches max. 248 HRB.

It is also characterized by its resistance to variable loads and impacts.

However, it is not good for welding and it ultimately requires additional preheating.

Why Choose OTAI

1)All year round, Otai can guarantee 30crnimo8 steel’ stock in different thicknesses and lengths, which can be customized.

2)After placing an order, shipment can be arranged immediately.

3)Otai is a leading China supplier of 30crnimo8 steel, working with Uddeholm, and Thyssenkrupp, with ISO9001 certified.

Customer’s story

We would like to share a real case of our customer with you. Stacy from Indonesia send us an inquiry about the 30crnimo8 steel alloy, which required a lot of specifications and a small quantity. Stacy asked many suppliers who were unwilling to cooperate and finally found us. We are the source manufacturer so that we can meet the needs of customers to customize the specifications of goods. Then Stacy placed the order successfully. After receiving the goods, she said that he would seek our cooperation for a long time. (30crnimo8 steel application)

Steel News

There are conditions for improvement in steel demand in September, but it should not be expected to be too high for the strength of demand. In the short term, more demand will be based on moderate release, and it is unlikely that a concentrated outbreak will be released. In September, the fundamental rebound of the steel market is insufficient, and the steel price will be mainly adjusted by shocks.

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